As we all know, Salesforce is a significant tool for optimizing your business operations. One of the major decisions you will have to make is what approach to take for Salesforce support. There are two options available for you, and you must make the right decision.

The two options are Salesforce managed services and Salesforce staff augmentation. Both options have their strengths and functions. You will have to analyze your needs thoroughly and make the appropriate decision. Salesforce outsourcing services acquired through the right engagement model can have a positive impact on your business.

What is Salesforce managed services?

Managed Services involve entrusting your ongoing management and maintenance to the external team. You get complete support for your Salesforce technology needs and long-term commitment from the partner. The services covered ranges from Salesforce administration, data management, support, troubleshooting, and more.

Benefits of Salesforce managed services

Proactive Maintenance – Managed service providers will frequently monitor your system performance. They will ensure it runs smoothly without any hiccups. You will get timely assistance from the team on any issues before it becomes critical.

Access to Top Expertise – You get access to a team of experienced Salesforce developers who can guide you on best practices.

Focused In-House Team – Managed service providers take care of your daily tasks. This ensures your in-house team can now focus on strategic projects to drive business growth.

When to choose Salesforce managed services?

Resource Constraints – There will be scenarios where your in-house team does not have the bandwidth to maintain your application. They may lack the necessary skills to manage the Salesforce. This will be the right time to hire Salesforce managed service providers.

Complex Requirements – When your Salesforce needs become more complex. The configuration and customization requirements are advanced for your in-house team to perform. You should get help from an experienced Salesforce service provider.

Long-Term Support – Do you need long-term support? Do you need someone to maintain your Salesforce platform? Do you need Salesforce admins to manage your user access and data? Salesforce managed service is the right approach for you in these cases.

Understanding Salesforce staff augmentation

Let us say you have a new project for developing and deploying a Salesforce application immediately. Sadly, you cannot make the deadline, even though you have a good in-house development team. There could be two major reasons for this. One is that you do not have enough team members to complete the project on time. Two, your team does not possess the necessary skills to carry out the project. Hence, you hire required resources on a contract basis to perform as an extension of your in-house team.

Benefits of Salesforce staff augmentation

Immediate Skills – With Salesforce staff augmentation, you get immediate access to the required skills. You can hire resources without any complex hiring process. The external resources will start working without delays.

Cost Control – You pay only for the hours of work performed when you need it. There are no overhead costs involved. You can pick the Salesforce partners who offer high-quality work at a favorable cost.

Resource Flexibility – You can adjust your team size based on your project requirements. With staff augmentation, you can scale up or scale down your team whenever you want to.

When to choose Salesforce staff augmentation?

Short-Term Projects – Staff augmentation is more suited for short-term projects with immediate deadlines. You only need to increase the team's strength to meet the project timeline. It enables you to finish and deploy products in the market while there is still high demand.

Skills Gap – As discussed earlier, when your team lacks certain Salesforce skills needed for a particular project. You can find suitable resources from the global market to fill in that gap. There is no limitation on where you can hire, unlike traditional in-house hiring.

Budget Constraints - Do you have a limited budget for your project? The staff augmentation is the right choice for you. You can hire top talent from anywhere on the globe. You must find talents that fall under your budget range.

Make the right decision: Salesforce managed services vs. Salesforce staff augmentation

The decision between managed services and staff augmentation depends on your needs and objectives. Managed Services offers you end-to-end, long-term Salesforce support. Staff augmentation, however, provides immediate access to specialized skills. This could be crucial for projects on tight schedules. You must analyze your requirements, resources, and project timelines to make the right decision.

If you need assistance with your Salesforce needs, schedule a call with our experts. Congruent offers both engagement models to our customers. We have over 15 years of experience in delivering Salesforce services around the globe. We can help you optimize and maximize your Salesforce investments.