Salesforce is a powerful tool that has extensive features and functions to satisfy all your business requirements. From SMBs (Small and Medium Businesses) to enterprises, Salesforce products can enhance efficiency for businesses from any industry. This is why implementing and maintaining the Salesforce platform is challenging.

It is the reason many businesses search for potential partners to outsource Salesforce development. They examine numerous factors before deciding on how to proceed. They factor in the pros and cons of Salesforce outsourcing and make the decision accordingly.

The offshore Salesforce development model is something like that. It involves companies partnering with Salesforce experts from various countries to handle your development needs. Offshoring Salesforce development has its benefits and challenges. If you are planning to assess offshore Salesforce development, you need to know more about offshore to make an informed decision.

Benefits of offshore Salesforce development

Reliable Salesforce Support - Reliability is one of the main reasons why businesses choose the offshore model. Offshore Salesforce development partners possess a team of skilled and certified resources. This makes them reliable in handling various aspects of Salesforce administration, development, and support.

Quicker Access to Resources - Whenever you need immediate resources, your offshore partner can quickly mobilize a team to meet your project needs. Whether you need additional developers, admins, or consultants, an offshore Salesforce partner will ensure that you have access to all their resources.

A Large Pool of Resources - Your offshore Salesforce partner will have a larger pool of resources for you to select. Their Salesforce team will consist of a wide range of specialized Salesforce experts. These experts can handle every aspect of your Salesforce needs.

More Economical - Offshore Salesforce development is more cost-effective for you than onshore. You will be able to access top Salesforce talents at a fraction of the onshore development cost. There is no compromise made to the quality of service delivered. This makes it a cost-effective choice for businesses of all sizes.

Faster Time to Market - You can accelerate your project timelines with the help of an offshore Salesforce development team. Offshore teams will work round the clock to make sure the project deadlines are met. With the help of an offshore development team, you can launch your products to the market faster.

Challenges of offshore Salesforce development

While the offshore development model has many advantages, it does not come without its challenges. You must know everything about offshoring services to make an informed decision. Including challenges faced in offshore Salesforce development services.

Language/Communication - Being in different corners of the world, you might face language or communication barriers. This can lead to misunderstandings between you and your offshore partners. Miscommunication between the in-house team and the offshore team happens now and then. This should not stop you from taking advantage of offshore services.

Establish a clear communication strategy before you begin the project. Ensure that the offshore team can communicate in your language. Schedule regular meetings and project updates with the offshore team.

Time Differences - There is going to be a huge time difference when you hire a team in another country. It is unavoidable, and it can be a little challenging. Developers will not be working when you are working, and vice versa. You may face some delays in communication and project updates.

There are a lot of offshore Salesforce partners willing to work in your time zone just to avoid delays in communication. You can set up a standard protocol for communicating and giving tasks updates every day.

Quality of Work - Everyone is concerned about the delivery quality. You will not have direct control over the resources. The work is going to be remotely delivered from another part of the world. Hence the concern of whether the offshore development partner can deliver quality services.

You should thoroughly vet your Salesforce outsourcing partner before you sign a partnership with them. You must check their credentials and gather a few customer references from them. Establishing clear quality standards will help you to maintain the integrity of your projects.

Data Security - The security of your data is important. You will be sharing sensitive data with your offshore partners during your project. Your partners must have the necessary security to protect the data.

Ensure your offshore Salesforce development partners have robust data security protocols in place. Set up industry-standard data security protocols for your partner to comply.


Offshore Salesforce development can benefit your business. While there are many advantages, you should take essential steps to address its challenges. It is the only way you can enjoy the benefits of offshore services safely. The right offshore Salesforce development partner can help you leverage your Salesforce platform.

Congruent is an offshore Salesforce development partner with over 25+ years of experience in delivering IT services. Contact our experts if you have any questions or needs in Salesforce. We have many certified Salesforce resources with various specializations, ready for hire.